Invitations will mail soon. We just need to make sure that we dot our i's and cross our t's before mailing them. Susan, Evangeline, Laura and Hannah have just taken over the process. I just smile and nod occansionally. Should I have expected anything different?
The occasion has brought on a rather incurable case of nostalgia in the household. Susan and I remembering our wedding in the stories that we tell our kids. Yes, that was really Lizzy Unna shouting 'oh my god, you're married' as she jumped up and down in the receiving room of Plymouth Church. Yes, Susan did choose a hot dog with a side of hot chocolate in Public Square over surf and turf room service. Would do it all again if I could.
My mother also shared with me a rememberance that she wrote of her wedding day. It's funny, but somehow I had never heard the story before. Mom, thank you for sharing. My parents Larry and Virginia Boulden are pictured with Kim Opitz (Chase) and Jamie Gilliland (Chase). Can't remember who the best man is.