I've got a few interesting things I thought were blog worthy. First, Erick turned eighteen earlier this week. It's hard to imagine that he's actually eighteen years old now. I remember carrying that kid around, changing his diaper, playing catch with him, and picking apples (the day he ate more at the orchard than we bought.) Seems like it was just yesterday.

Hannah has focused in on ballroom dancing and is just kicking butt. Two weeks ago, she got up at 03:30 am to catch the
school bus for the Holy Cross Ballroom Competition in Worcester, Mass. That's pronounced Wooster, for those of you not in New England. The kids competed all day long. I think we finally started driving home around 08:30 pm.
Without doubt, she drank the largest cup of coffee in the world before leaving. The car bounced and vibrated down the street on the way to the school. Wait, I'm getting off subject. The real point is that this competition was for college students, but Hannah and her partner walked out of there with first place ribbons in Jive and Swing. I should probably also mention that she looked beautiful. That's Hannah there on the left. Her friend Amber is on the right.

Susan spent two weeks in Cleveland with her mom earlier this month. Contrary to public opinion, it was not my cooking that drove her out of the house. Her mother has struggled with severe back pain for several years. In late February, she had a spinal cage installed. Susan and Carolyn hung out with her, took care of the house and helped her get back on her feet. As of this posting, she's starting to get back out and into her routine. We certainly wish her the best.
That's all for now. Post again in a month or so.