It takes some time to get into the habit of blogging. Posting our Christmas letter as a blog seemed a natural decision. It required no printing, no paper, no postage and allowed us to embed photos. Environmentally friendly and much quicker. The impetus, and content, for additional postings has not been as strong. Having said that, I think it is better to post some news - no matter how small - than leave our Christmas letter up until July.
Last weekend, Susan and I discovered that our bank was holding a local photography competition for their 2010 calendar. An amateur photographer par excellence, Susan decided to submit a few photos. Take a look at a few of my favorites below. If any are selected for the calendar, we'll do our best to get them out to those that want them.
Cool Shot of Frozen Berries

As you can see from the photos, January has been a cold month. I generally don't pay attention to the weather reports, track precipitation, or look at average temperatures. The heating oil method is much more accurate. Typically, we fill our tank once in December, January, and February. March is the final fill up and usually lasts until October or November. This year, we've filled up once after Thanksgiving, two days after Christmas, and again on January 15Th. At this rate, we might need to top it off again before then end of the month. Falling oil prices make this hurt a little less. Had they remained north of $4.00 per gallon, as they were this summer, we'd have really been stuck.
In other happenings, Gavin has gone back to school. Hannah has started tumbling classes to prepare for cheer leading in the fall. As I type this, Erick sits next to me and studies for his mid term exams.
I hope all is well with you and yours. Hope to talk with you all soon.